Your smile is your logo your personality is your business card
Your Smile is your logo, your personality is your business card and the way you make others feel is your...
Your Smile is your logo, your personality is your business card and the way you make others feel is your...
Make a little Donation to Donate online by PayPal Make a single donation. Your donation will help us with...
I don’t know what’s worse that you cheated on me, or that you cheated on me with a really ugly...
Don't think of cost think of value take the risks and make the sacrifices you’re the only one in control...
Everyone will try to attack you when you reach the top what they don't realize is that they already lost
i finally got a phone meaning i finally got a camera meaning everyone gets, u will NOT ruin this relationship...
If you look at what you have in life, you’ll always have more If you look at what you don’t...
What you’re believing for is not way off in the distance it’s not years down the road It’s at hand;...
I don't trust someone who is nice to me but rude to the waiter because they would treat me same...
Work harder now so you don't have to later blood makes you related, loyalty makes you family
Focus on yourself your life your career, your family, your real friends and most importantly your Happiness
If you look at what you have in life you’ll always have more If you look at what you don’t...
I stay away from negative people they manage to kill any creative spark I might have in business and in...
the floor is reciprocal love and healthy relationships
If you like chocolate a warm small cafe atmosphere this is the place for you free and fast. Check...
if u got a thing for me just tell me like whatre the chances ur not one of the 8...
Why the fuck isn’t American money color coded? why don’t we use the metric system? why is our government run...
We have arrived and our view is Awesome! I Love the Pool @remer Palm trees Sorry friends It's getting hot...