Work harder now so you don’t have to later blood makes you
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Latest posts by Tresh77 (see all)
- Trial and error. Hard work Long hours Insatiable desire to achieve perfection Intense focus - April 28, 2023
- You are the creator of your life. You create through the focus of your thoughts your words - April 28, 2023
- Who are you when no one is watching Thats real you. Never too late to be best you - April 11, 2023
Work harder now so you don’t have to later blood makes you related, loyalty makes you family

- Trial and error. Hard work Long hours Insatiable desire to achieve perfection Intense focus - April 28, 2023
- You are the creator of your life. You create through the focus of your thoughts your words - April 28, 2023
- Who are you when no one is watching Thats real you. Never too late to be best you - April 11, 2023
- No matter how tough circumstances are it’s in your control to have a great attitude to give your very best - April 11, 2023
- Never regret anything No point in looking back and saying only if I had done that - April 11, 2023
You’re always one decision away from a totally different life