If you are reading this, you are already ahead Now, small steps, all day Every day
If you are reading this, you are already ahead. Now, small steps, all day. Every day. And, never stop.
If you are reading this, you are already ahead. Now, small steps, all day. Every day. And, never stop.
When you like yourself, you like people around you.When you are unhappy with yourself, you are unhappy with others.
Some of the biggest lies It doesn't matter how hard I try, I won't make it.I am not smart enough....
What you lack in money, skills, knowledge and ability, you overcome with your never-say-die determination. Its not how much money...
Charming people have something to conceal, usually their total dependance on appreciation of others.
Your tension has nothing to do with anything outside you. You will always find an external justification for your tension...
Treat people just like you want to be treated. When you treat people with respect and dignity, they will go...
Dont be late. Respect your time. And of others. Punctuality is a sign of discipline. Greater your discipline, greater your...
Don't let these lies hold you back Making money is vulgar Working hard is bad Work is usually miserable You...
If you want to succeed, make sure money is a result, never the objective
We often cling to our problems, no matter how much we complain about them because overcoming our problems requires us...
When planning, its not what you like but what works. Plan. Adapt. Execute. Succeed.
Instant way to feel great do something good for somebody today without them finding out it was you
If you actually want something, make an effort. Everything isn't just going to come to you
Stay humble. Stay curious. Stay succeeding.
Youve got to learn the rules before you can break them
You become who you hang out with. Stay away from perpetually negative people
No matter how much money or power one has, two things that can never be forced love and respect.