Do hugs not drugs Spread love not legs Respect don’t judge
Do hugs, not drugs. Spread love, not legs. Respect, don't judge. Listen more talk less. Understand, don't assume. Forgive and...
Do hugs, not drugs. Spread love, not legs. Respect, don't judge. Listen more talk less. Understand, don't assume. Forgive and...
Life is too short to worry about what others say or think about you. So have fun and give them...
People are drawn to those who are authentic. Being authentic means stop pretending. Drop your guard be real. Be comfortable...
What you think about, you bring about Everything starts in your head
A study found that there is only one difference between creatives and non-creatives. Creative people believed they were creative. Less...
When you write your maid of honour speech 16 hours before you're supposed to present it
leave it to my snapchat memories to constantly remind me how much skinnier i was this time last year lol
Only boring people get bored. Focus on learning Pick a book. Invest at least 30 minutes reading something meaningful every...
Don’t be arrogant to think that success is easy or that you are better than others. Unless you want to...
Some of y’all are not where you want to be in life, yet you party every weekend. What exactly are...
Don’t wait for extraordinary opportunities secret of success is to get on the first opportunity that comes your way and...
You can have anything you want but you can’t have everything. Pick, choose, focus, obsess, do, succeed
There is no success if you don’t take a chance. No risk, no failure. No failure, no success
It’s hard to adjust to normal society again after doing time in Facebook jail
No matter where you are in your life cycle, remind yourself everyday, your best days are still to come
@Ashley3122 happy birthday you are going to be better than me and everyone else I have ever met. enlighten everyone...
Your child will follow your example, not your advice
Secret of being the best is becoming the best motivate yourself to keep getting better, to keep learning, to keep...